Sunday, January 16, 2011

Little Kittens & Their Mittens

Ok... well, for today they can be kittens... but first thing tomorrow morning they're back to being monkeys again.

If you've spent much time around our girls, then you'll know that they both love to dress up in anything above and beyond a top and bottom. 

Addison is our bag lady.  She has quite a wide collection of different bags, purses, trick-or-treat baskets (you get the idea).  These bags tend to be filled with anything and everything that Miss A can fit into it: cars, "little friends" (aka mini beanie babies), small toys, Hannah's toys, etc.  After filling each bag to the brim, they are either slung over her arm and carried around on her elbow, or their layered 3 and 4 bags deep over each side of the baby stroller... and then paraded around the house.  This is usually done in "pretty shoes" and a tu-tu.  I know.  I NEED a picture of this!

Morgan loves Loves LOOOVES to wear socks and shoes allll day, even if we're just around the house.  And she will also put on a random jacket and just hang out.  I don't think I'm emphasizing this part enough.  When she knows that we're leaving the house, she'll RUN to the closet and SCREAM until we arrive to fetch her jacket and put it on. 

So, that being said, you can imagine their excitement over new mittens!!  And they LOVE them!!  Thanks Mamie!! 

These two monkeys, err, Kittens, ran around the house in their new mittens until bedtime... when mean ol' Mommy hid them in the closet!

I'll have to get this pattern... these mittens are WONDERFUL!!!

Morgan has thumbless mittens... PERFECT!!!

"Have you seen these mom?!  SO COOL!!"



Crystal said...

How did you manage to have a child that loves wearing socks and shoes? I wish. They are so beautiful!

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