Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Playing catch-up.  Here are some pictures from June (NTC month/single parenting month...), as well as a few from July.  We got a new computer, so all of our pictures (from college until now) are all on the external hard drive (in about 4 or 5 different locations) and in need of some serious organization.  Needless to say, I'm missing a chunk of pictures taken in July... I think.  Sigh.  That's for another day.

May was super busy, so it was nice to slow down a bit during June and spend some time with the girls.  When Josh got back, we hit the ground running with a marathon of appointments, labs and tests all leading to the discovery of Graves' Disease for me.  We're very thankful to finally have a reason for all of the random symptoms and to be on a treatment path.  The hardest things about it have been 1. that I had to stop nursing Hannah, and 2. the acceptance that it's a lifelong disease.... still trying to wrap my head around it all.  We've been on the meds (vs. the RAIU or, in the words of my primary doctor, the treatment that would "kill my thyroid"... wasn't too thrilled with that option) for two weeks today, and (while I'm still fighting another infection) I'm generally starting to feel a bit better and gain some of my long-lost energy back... which in itself is just plain exciting! (I reorganized the pantry at 10pm last night because I had all of this energy that I hadn't had in ahwile!).  Now... if only my hair would stop falling out!  :)  Still have a long way to go, but we're getting there, and we're very thankful for everyone's support!

We've just LOVED having our garden in... the melons have somewhat taken over the garden, and the tomato plants went wild before I could get the cages in.  Drat!  Next year, I will do better!  But the "fruits" of our labor are AMAZING!  I've learned a lot, and hopefully next year will be even better.  The El Paso sun is great for growing... but in the 2 summers of living here, it's been very clearn that an irrigation system is CLUTCH for a successful garden... especially if you have my memory/energy level!

Here are a few pics...

 Our Sweet Morgan

 Beautiful Addison

She played in the pool for HOURS.... the heavy eyelids were a clear sign that a good night's sleep was in her future!! 

This one just makes me laugh!!

...and this one too

M's a little frustraited she can't put her goggles on by herself...

 Anniversary Flowers!  We've spent one Anniversary together... because he was on paternal leave after we had Morgan! The rest, he's been either deployed or in the field training.

Some of our flowers out back.

Sleepy Girl

 Blooming Anniversary Flowers!  I was SO impressed with these!!  UPS delivered them to my door and even in the El Paso heat, they did great!!

Homemade Playdough during the heatwave was a perfect idea!

 Hannah in mid June

Moran feeding her baby

This was the evening that we returned from the Endocrinologist's office.  The evening that things started  to sink in with respect to the Graves' and the evening that we decided to pick our first watermelon from the garden!!!  It was amazing but I learned I picked it a little too early.  No problem.  Let it hang in the fridge for a few days and about a week later we couldn't get enough of it!!!

You can also note here how the melons have taken over the garden!!!

I'm pretty sure that if there was an award for worst memory, that I'd beat out the rest of the population for decades.  Now that I have to take numerous medications on a daily basis... one of these bad boys was a must have.  Best darn 99 cents I've ever spent!!  Also helping the success of this puppy is the fact that it lives on TOP of the coffee... so I cannot make coffee without seeing it.  Also know that while the coffee is actually brewing, this little guy lives on the counter... not back on top of the coffee becaust I would then forget about it.  Bad bad memory.

There's your brief update.  More to come... like our block leave pictures from our trip to Albuquerque!!  And the second watermelon we picked... weighing in at 32.5lbs!!!  That's almost as much as Addison!!!  Yikes!  


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